PGD - NSA (Network System Administration), PGD - MWAD (Microsoft Web Application Development) are the most industry-specific professional training organizing by PeopleNTech under IGlobal University. These courses are offering Four batches a year.
Spring Batch starts from March;Summer Batch starts from June 1;
Fall (autumn) Batch starts from September 1; and
Winter Batch starts on December 1.
Features of the Course:
- American University Accredited Certificate
- Highly Qualified Trainers
- US Standard Training
- Hands-on and Project Based Industry Specific Training
- Job Placement Facilities
- Fully Furnished Class Room
- Highly Configured Lab Equipments
Grading System:
SL. No | Letter Grade | Percentage | GPA |
1 | A | 90-100 | 4 |
2 | B | 80-89 | 3 |
3 | C | 70-79 | 2 |
4 | D | 60-69 | 1 |
5 | F | 0-59 | 0 |